Flyer Guidelines

What is the Community Bulletin Board?

Our district utilizes a digital community Bulletin Board. This allows our schools and community organizations to save paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. It also helps flyers make it to parents directly through SchoolStatus, and not linger at the bottom of a backpack! All flyers from community organizations will be posted on this website and sent directly to parents via a newsletter every two weeks on Thursdays! 

PBTISD Flyer Distribution Guidelines

All non-school flyers intended for distribution on school campuses or other District premises under this policy shall be submitted for prior review in accordance with the following:

  1. Materials shall include the name of the person or organization sponsoring the distribution.

  2. The flyer must give the date, time, and location details. 

  3. The flyer MUST be available in both English and Spanish.  Flyers without a translation will not be accepted or distributed. 

  4. Flyers must be in an 8.5x11 PDF format. Other file formats will not be accepted.

  5. Flyer requests must be submitted no later than 4 PM on Mondays to be included in the next "In the Community" newsletter.

The information on the flyer must serve to benefit students and must not interfere, conflict, or compete with programs offered by PBTISD. The district reserves the right to deny any request. For more information or questions please contact the Director of Media and Communications.

Submit a Flyer here.

The District will consider approval and distribution of:

  • Flyers from non-profit organizations/companies with programs directly benefiting students, as well as state-supported organizations.

  • Flyers that promote an educational experience for students or parents, a healthy use of leisure time, and/or a special enrichment activity.

  • Flyers or coupons offering a complimentary product or service (with no conditions of purchase) as part of an incentive or academic reward for students and/or staff.

Prepare Your Flyer

The following are simple requirements for uploading your flyer:

  • PDF file format

  • 8.5" x 11"

  • Portrait orientation (suggested for optimal display)

  • Spanish translation included

  • 1-4 pages in length

  • Under 50 MB in file size

  • 12pt minimum font size (suggested for accessibility)

Note the following disclaimer will be added to the distribution: 

“PBTISD approves flyers from organizations as a community service and does not imply sponsorship nor endorsement of this program or event. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. The District is not responsible for incorrect translations. | PBTISD aprueba volantes de organizaciones como un servicio comunitario y no implica patrocinio ni respaldo de este programa o evento. Póngase en contacto directamente con la organización para obtener información adicional. El Distrito no es responsable por traducciones incorrectas.”

The following materials will NOT be approved for distribution:

  1. The materials are obscene, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate for the age and maturity of the audience.

  2. The materials endorse actions endangering the health or safety of students.

  3. The materials promote the illegal use of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances.

  4. The distribution of such materials would violate the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or other rights of another person.

  5. The materials contain defamatory statements about public figures or others.

  6. The materials advocate imminent lawless or disruptive action and are likely to incite or produce such action.

  7. The materials are hate literature or similar publications that scurrilously attack ethnic, religious, or racial groups or contain content aimed at creating hostility and violence, and the materials would materially and substantially interfere with school activities or the rights of others.

  8. There is reasonable cause to believe that the distribution of the nonschool literature would result in material and substantial interference with school activities or the rights of others.