Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD (PBTISD) is excited to announce its commitment to supporting students and families by purchasing school supplies for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. An initiative approved last year by the District and Board of Trustees will continue as we strive to alleviate the financial burden on parents. PBTISD is dedicated to ensuring all students have the necessary supplies to grow in the classroom.
The decision to purchase school supplies for all students continues to receive support from the Board of Trustees.
All necessary supplies, such as notebooks, pencils, pens, crayons, and more, covered by PBTISD will allow for the growth of a positive learning environment for all students. With excitement seen from the initiative announcement last year, the district has no doubt this will benefit the entire student body.
“By providing school supplies for all our students, we are removing a significant barrier to their learning and ensuring that they can focus on their education,” said Superintendent Brent Jaco.
PBTISD remains dedicated to providing high-quality education while also addressing the needs of its student population. This commitment reflects the district's ongoing mission to inspire and prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world.
The good news doesn’t end there! PBTISD will continue to provide FREE meals for the upcoming school year! Last year, the Board approved the District's entry into a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to allow for free breakfast and lunch for all students.
CEP is a federally funded program eligible for school districts in low-income communities. Entering a CEP eliminates the hassle of collecting free/reduced lunch applications and instead allows child nutrition programs to instead focus on serving tasty and nutritious meals for all students. By eliminating the need for applications and the potential stigma associated with free meal eligibility, the CEP promotes inclusivity and ensures that no child goes hungry during the school day.
Regardless of income level, all students will be eligible for free breakfast and lunch under CEP. Through this,
PBTISD hopes to enhance the student’s overall well-being by focusing on a healthier, immersed learning environment.
Breakfast will be served in the classroom at Austin Elementary. Zavala Elementary, Crockett Middle School, and Pecos High School will serve breakfast before school from 7:30 AM-8:00 AM. Parents can add funds to their student’s account for use at the snack bar through their LINQ Connect Family Portal!
Implementing the purchase of school supplies and the CEP program demonstrates the District’s dedication to serving the needs of its students by ensuring that no child feels less than regardless of their income level.
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