text: a message from the board president

Dear PBTISD Family,

As we approach the festive holiday season, I am filled with gratitude and warmth.  I am extremely honored to address you on behalf of the Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School District Board of Trustees. It is my pleasure to extend heartfelt wishes for a joyous holiday season and winter break to each member of our remarkable community - the PBTISD Family.

The holidays bring a time of reflection, unity, and compassion. We are grateful to share these moments with you. Our community is a source of strength and support, and we want to express our deepest appreciation for your commitment to our shared goals.

Our district is poised for exciting opportunities and challenges as we stand on the threshold of a new year. Over the past three years, we have witnessed the collective dedication of our students, parents, staff, and community members, resulting in significant improvements and achievements. Together, we've seen the completion of new facilities and witnessed the positive impact on the learning environment.

I am proud to announce the remarkable progress our district has made, a testament to the collaborative spirit that defines us. The commitment to excellence has been unwavering, and the Board of Trustees is immensely proud of the strides we've taken together.

Looking ahead, we are excited to embark on the New Year and what it has in store for PBTISD. Weโ€™d like to thank our community for your unwavering support during the bond election this past May. Because of your votes and love for our students, PBTISD is truly on its way to becoming the premier education provider in West Texas. I say this not only as the Board President but also as a mother who is excited to see her children experience these facilities to their full capacity. 

As we enter the holiday break, I encourage each member of our community to take this time to rest, recharge, and relish in the joy of spending quality moments with loved ones. Let us carry lessons from this past year forward into the new year, united in our commitment to excellence and the success of every student in the Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School District.

May this holiday season bring you warmth, peace, and abundant cherished moments. On behalf of the PBTISD Board of Trustees, I extend our deepest appreciation for your continued support and wish you a safe and joyous break.

Warm regards,

AlexAndrea Zamarripa
President, Board of Trustees
Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School District