On April 15 at the monthly regular board meeting, the Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD Board of Trustees approved Guaranteed Maximum Price Package #1 for the comprehensive additions and renovations of Crockett Middle School. As part of the phasing of the construction for CMS, Package #1 includes the construction work needed to support portable buildings to house the campus during construction.
Last May, voters approved the 2023 Bond, which would further support the significant facility needs of PBTISD. Included in the 2023 Bond was a comprehensive renovation and additions to the current Crockett Middle School campus. Initial plans sought to use some district facilities to avoid displacing students and staff. However, to shorten the construction timeline for CMS and student and staff safety, the campus will now move into a temporary campus along Texas Avenue.
The portable network will be fitted exactly as if it were a school campus. There will be classrooms, administrative offices, a library, a cafeteria, an athletic weight room, locker rooms, and a band hall. A parking lot and drop-off lane will also be paved, along with an 8-foot fence surrounding the portables.
“Our commitment to providing exceptional learning environments in a timely manner and using bond dollars efficiently remains steadfast,” said Superintendent Brent Jaco. “We want to assure the community that the decision for portable buildings during construction was well-thought-out."
Placing the campus in portable buildings drastically shortened CMS's construction timeline by two years. This also provides a safer environment by keeping students and staff away from the construction site and proved to be the most cost-effective option for the district and taxpayers.
The GMP for this package is $7,995,101.00, and CMS will begin the spring 2025 semester in the portables and will remain in use for the 2025-2026 school year.